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产品出口资质齐全,一类医疗器械生产备案号:粤珠食药监械生产备20200002,已在中国药监局备案,产品已在美国药监局(FDA)注册,Owner operator Number: 10074333,DUNS:403127222,并获得中国及欧盟认可认证机构CE认证声明及符合EN166标准合格检测报告。

Products with fast drlivery and high quality,with full chinese govt medical export license,The products has been registered with the us food and drug administration (FDA), owner operator Number: 10074333, DUNS:403127222,and obtained the EN166 qualified test reports and CE certification statement for customs clearance from China and the European Union accredited certification body.

医用护目镜:型号tr-h01 粤珠械备20200015号       医用防护面罩:型号tr-m01 粤珠械备20200022号

medical gogglesModel tr-h01               medical protective mask: Model tr-m01

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